Workshop Programme 2022
Hospitality – Histories from Sztynort Palace and beyond
with Dawid Dacko and others (PL, ENG, DE)
8.08.-14.08. / Info Centre / 12:30, 15:30
Curated guided tour about histories of hospitality in Sztynort, in the palace and in its surroundings. For those new to Sztynort Palace and for returners who are curious to hear histories from a new angle.
Café Lyrik (DE, PL)
Polish-German Poetry Café with Matzek Kleinschmidt
9.08.-13.08.2022 / Near Palace Stage / 16-17
Mathias Kleinschmidt, aka Matzek, poetry lover, musician and not long ago teacher of German, Philosophy and Music in Berlin, invites fellow German and Polish speaking passionate of the lyrical to his one and only Café Poesie. Matzek is also a member of Lehndorff-Gesellschaft Steinort, e.V.
In a relaxed atmosphere, we will come together to read, share and savour the poems of our favourite poets and infuse them with piano music. Matzek has invited a few special guests from the area and beyond who will join him along the way. Workshop day programme:
09.08.: Workshop about rhythm, rime, and vocal harmonies
10.08.: Georg Trakl Reading, Mathias Kleinschmidt (German), guest: Prof. dr. hab. Wojciech Lukowski, Giżycko (Polish)
11.08.: Ernst Wiechert Reading, German and Polish, guests: Oliver and Renata Geis (Speyer/ Pierkunowo)
12.08.: Workshop: rhythm, rimes & vocal harmonies
13.08.: Workshop: rhythm, rimes & vocal harmonies
Composition Workshop with Ania Broda (PL)
Tuesday, 09.08.2022 / Near Palace Stage / 10-11.30
In this workshop, Ania Broda will take us on a journey of writing a song – together or individually. How can we come from a an experience, a memory, a tune, or a feeling to a song that can be shared today and in the future? This is a workshop for all who are passionate about the art of the song – for complete beginners as well as for seasoned musicians.
Ania Broda – dulcimer player, vocalist and multi-instrumentalist, using the technique of white singing.
She composes original music, interprets traditional music with an individual musical style, and produces publications dedicated to children and adults. She co-founded the bands Bractwo Ubogich and Kapela Brodow.
A member of the band Sploty, she lends her voice and sound to many exceptional projects with exceptional artists. Since 2011, she has been recording and performing with her own and around-folk music projects.
On Hospitality. Creative Workshop with elements of improvisation
With DUO Marta Wryk and Tomasz Prasqual (PL, DE, ENG)
Wednesday, 10.08.2022 / Mesa / 10-14:00
Can music, dancing, writing poetry or painting give us the key to solving everyday problems at work or in the family and interpersonal conflicts? Of course! After all, artistic talents lie dormant in all of us. Discovering them will not only help us feel the pleasure of being creative, but will also allow us to think outside the box and find answers and solutions where we did not see them before.
The theme of this year’s ST:ORT festival is ‘Hospitality’ and it is this theme that we would like to explore through playing with sound, movement, words and images. What does it mean to you to be a host and what does it mean to be a guest? What calls do both situations bring? Where do the sources of conflict lurk and how can they be avoided? We will seek answers to these questions through a series of light-hearted and often playful exercises in various artistic disciplines.
The workshop is open to absolutely everyone who is curious to awaken their artistic potential and who would like to explore the topic of hospitality – children, adults, seniors, people with disabilities. також вітаються люди, які не володіють польською мовою. After all, art and creativity know no age or language boundaries!
DUO Marta Wryk and Tomasz Prasqual
Cologne-based mezzo-soprano Marta Wryk and composer and pianist Tomasz Prasqual work together as a musical duo, in a composer-singer relationship and in many music education projects. The musicians sang their way into the hearts of the Cologne public when they gave a concert from the window of the home of the famous choreographer of Ballet of Difference, Richard Siegal, during the pandemic. The crowd followed the event from their windows, balconies, cars and from the street. Smartphone-recorded videos of this concert were used in an online exhibition organised as part of the Stn:ort 2020 Summer of Windows festival. This year, the duo will visit Sztynort with a concert entitled ‘Modern Girl. A musical story about women in Poland and Germany between the wars’. As a composer-singer duo, the artists worked closely together on Thomas Prasqual’s compositions Rozmowy o śmierci and Rozmowy o miłości (performances took place at the NOSPR hall in Katowice, Cologne and Berlin). As music educators, they jointly led the projects “What does freedom sound like?” and “Visible voices” commissioned by the Bonn Opera, as well as numerous creativity and improvisation workshops. For the artists believe that the mission of art is not only to comment on reality, but also to awaken passion and creativity in all people.
Gościniec – Senses under the roof of trees. Walk around Sztynort.
With Krystyna Buzarewicz (PL, DE)
Thursday, 11.08.2022 / Start Palace Stage / 12-14:00
You will learn the meaning of the word Anthropocene, hospitality, characters and proverbs related to the senses and hospitality. I will serve you an interesting portion of knowledge about the senses. You will experience different ways of sharpening your sight, taste, smell, hearing, touch, attentiveness in practice. I hope your life will taste better after this walk.
Leader: Krystyna Buzarewicz, ICI coach, soft skills trainer, biographer. I have been conducting coaching processes, workshops, lectures and biographical-sensory walks since 2011.
Please bring comfortable shoes! The walk can be adapted to the abilities in the group.
Applications ideally by email to: krystyna(dot)buzarewicz(at)gmail(dot)com
Półkowniczki, Writer’s Circle.
With Justyna Artym (PL, ENG)

Friday, 12.08.2022 / Near palace stage / 12-14:00
The creative women writer’s group Półkowniczki invites everyone of indifferent gender to an open meeting in a circle. You can read your own text related to the topic, you can speak, or you can just listen. We make no distinction between readers and audience. We want every participant to sit with us, listen closely and speak for themselves. In this way, we will present not only our work, but also our values. Our quality is not only literature, but also the ability to listen empathetically and actively to each other, to receive with openness, to exchange experiences, thoughts and inspiration. For the duration of the meeting, we will create a micro-community of people who differ in age, life history, perhaps even in their views, but who are curious about each other and are ready to be attentive.
Hospitality – the theme of this year’s festival in Sztynort is extremely topical. We will take it up in our texts and reflections. What does the hospitality of our society look like on the Polish-Belarusian border, and what about on the Polish-Ukrainian one? Do we, as individuals, know how to welcome the Other guest with all its complexity? Or, on the other hand, can we talk about our experience of being a guest – after all, we are only guests on Earth for a while. Do we know how to respect this great Host? Whatever we associate with the word hospitality, let it be said at this meeting. We invite you with or without texts.
Justyna Artym – writer, visual artist, author of the book “Fairy tales and myths”, participant of exhibitions and artistic actions. Co-founder, host and organiser of a series of literary and musical meetings Olsztyn Literary Monthly Spoken, a group of creative women Półkowniczki and other cultural events and meetings with authors.
Folk Dance Workshop.
With Jacek and Alicja Hałas, and Robert and Ewa Wasilewskich (PL, ENG)
Saturday, 13.08.2022/ Palace Stage / 15:30-16:30
Join the Village Quartet to learn and try out folk dances from South Poland and beyond. The musical nomads Jacek and Alicja together with Robert and Ewa will prepare you for their own evening concert at the palace stage. They will teach you some of the authentic traditional moves for the tunes they will play later on. And they will get you in the right mood for enjoying the atmosphere of village receptions in rural Europe. Come with an open mind and your dancing feet and spin yourself into another reality.
Amongst their diverse artistic activities Alicja and Jacek Hałas are researching and practicing processional dance, whirling dance, traditions of wandering singers; they regularly conduct workshop and educational activities. The couple has been travelling around Europe for many years to meet and collaborate with other artists and share their own knowledge. For some of the time, they have even travelled with their own yurt.
Ewa and Robert Wasilewski are musicians, theatre makers, researchers and community activists. They are the founders of the successful ethno-fusion band Transkapela and of the theatre setting Stodoła Chochół in Masuria, near Szczytno.
Zaungast – Public Art Programme
With Paulina Mazurek, Michał Tokarz, Anna Cyran, Eden Darskx, Adrianna Iwanejko, Urszula Małecka, Hubert Tubacki
08.-14.08.2022 / Fences at Sztynort Palace / 10-17:00
As part of their artistic residency, the Zaungast artists of 2022 invite the visitors of STN:ORT Festival to assist or join them everyday in creatively re-imagining the building fences that currently surround many of the heritage buildings around the palace during their renovation process.
Kumihimo-Wristbands – Make your own STN:ORT souvenir and share friendship.
With Wiktoria Dacko and Zuzanna Kleban
08.-14.08.2022 / Near palace stage / 10-11:00, 16-17:00
The tradition of kumihimo originates from the Japanese art of braiding, where kumihimo itself means gathered threads. By braiding – once on a loom, today on a disk, using specific combinations of thread layering, we achieve multi-colored bracelets.
In addition to braiding threads, you can connect people with them. If you want, give it to a loved one or even a stranger. You can also make a gesture of hospitality and hang it on the connection grid so that everyone can see it. This will create a network of anonymous hospitality that will make some sort of bond decorating the festival grounds.